Meet Robin
& Los Angeles Dodger Eric Anthony, is a
mother of four and the founder of
Robin Anthony’s Renu Herbs.

I have been involved with herbs since I was fifteen. I remember picking fresh peppermint out of the garden when I was in high school and steaming my face with it. I’ve always enjoyed reading books about herbs and the magnificent healing properties they provide. This became personal to me when I started to develop one particular problem.
I suffered with being irregular. It might not sound like much, but as I’ll soon tell you, this seemingly harmless discomfort is the start of many future complications, and not just for me. During my years of studying I realized that many people have problems with elimination and these problems are the very root of sickness and disease.
I realized that if waste cannot be eliminated and builds up in the body (whether from bad eating habits, prescription and over the counter drugs, or other causes) disease begins to develop and bacteria accumulate. Because most Americans do not have regular bowel movements they suffer with symptoms including sickness, weight gain, fatigue and more.
The simple truth that most people don’t know is that if you eat two or three meals a day, you should have two or three bowel movements a day. Anything less is a dysfunction of your digestive system and will eventually lead to major problems.
Founder, Renu herbs
For the love that I have for people and knowing that many people die from lack of knowledge, I decided to share my knowledge and experience and that’s how Renu Herbs was born. God gave me a vision over 11 years ago and told me to go to the Church because the prayer lines were too long and this is due to lack of knowledge. I also have such a love a passion for the body of Christ and I told God that I will wrap my arms around the Church and bring quality and love!
At this time I would like to dedicate my company, Renu Herbs, to my mom, my aunt Agnes, and my grandpa Hoppy, who just recently passed away in his sleep. These three special individuals have always believed in me and inspired me to think of others. Although my mom and Hoppy have both passed away, I still feel their presence in my life every day. They are the angels that watch over me, my husband and our four children.
The more I learned, the more I knew I needed to share these three, key discoveries:
You don’t have to live with sickness, weight gain or fatigue.
You have a choice to educate yourself and be responsible for your own health!
The time to start feeling better and looking better is NOW!
Cleansing my colon was the first step to better health for me and it can be for you, too.

A flatter stomach

A smoother complexion

To feel and look better than ever before